The goal of testDriveR is to provide data sets for teaching statistics and data science courses. This package includes a sample of data from John Edmund Kerrich's famous coinflip experiment. These are data that I use for teaching SOC 4015 / SOC 5050 at Saint Louis University.


There are currently five data sets that are included in the package:

  • auto17 - A data set containing model year 2017 vehicles for sale in the United States

  • childMortality - A data set containing childhood mortality time series data by country from UNICEF

  • gss14 - A data set containing a selection of variables related to work and education from the 2014 General Social Survey

  • gss14_simple - A simple version of gss14 without factors created and without missing data explicitly declared

  • kerrich - A data set containing 2000 trials of coin flips by John Edmund Kerrich